Structure and distribution of credits


Distribution of the curriculum in ECTS credits by type of subject matters

Distribution of the curriculum in ECTS credits by type of subject matters
Course Basic Mandatory Optatives Curricular internships End of Studies Dissertation Total
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Structure of the Degree

The Master's is organised in 2 semesters, each of one has a teaching load of 30 ECTS.

Students must complete a total of 60 credits, organized as follows:

A common set (24 ECTS) required for all students, consisting of MODULE 1 (6 ECTS), MODULE 3 (6 ECTS) and MODULE 5 (12 ECTS), and completing up to 60 ECTS with the elective MODULE 2 AND MODULE 4.

A specialisation set (18 ECTS), where students must choose at least 18 ECTS from those offered in MODULE 2 (total offer 51 ECTS). If you adapt your choice to one of the specialisation sets will obtain the corresponding profile. Otherwise, if you choose freely from the full offer, students will achieve the Generalist profile.








Module 1: Core. Basic Aspects in Horticulture (MT). The aim of the module is to immerse students in intensive horticulture. This module consists of 1 compulsory subject (70781101. Intensive Horticultural Production Model of Almeria) with a credit load of 6 ECTS, which will be taught in both Spanish and English.

Module 2: Fundamental Specialisation Module (MFE). 9 subjects are offered and a total of 51 ECTS credits. Each subject has a credit load of 6 ECTS. Students must take at least 18 ECTS credits from this module. Moreover, if the students wish to achieve a mention of a specialisation in the degree, they must meet the following conditions:

  • Greenhouse Technology (IT): Students must take 18 compulsory ECTS credits between the following subjects TI1, TI2, TI3. Where they will acquire fundamental skills and knowledge for their training in the specialisation of Greenhouse Technology. Such module will be taught in Spanish.

  • Protected crops (CP): Students must take 18 elective ECTS between the following subjects CP1, CP2, CP3, CP4. Where they will acquire skills and knowledge fundamental to their training in the specialisation of Protected Crops. Such module will be taught in Spanish.

  • Post Harvest and Quality (PC): Students must take 18 elective ECTS between the following subjects PC1, PC2, PC3, PC4. Where they will acquire fundamental skills and knowledge for their training in the specialisation of Post Harvest and Quality. Such module will be taught in Spanish. (THIS SPECIALISATION STOPPED TO BE TAUGHT FROM THE 2016-17 ACADEMIC YEAR).

  • Intensive Horticulture (IH): Students must take 18 elective ECTS between the following subjects IH1, IH2, IH3, IH4. Where they will acquire fundamental skills and knowledge for their training in the specialisation of Intensive Horticulture. Such module will be taught in English. Students will receive a mention of having completed this pathway in English.

Module 3: Internships (MPE). Its fundamental objective is to immerse the student in the business and professional sector. This module of 1 compulsory subject called 'Internships in Horticulture' with a credit load of 6 ECTS will consist of internships and optionally of a field practice or meetings with experts from the business sector. It will be taught in both Spanish and English.

Module 4: Advances in Horticulture (MAH). The fundamental objective of the module is deepening the various relevant aspects of the horticultural sector and it is elective. This module consists of 6 subjects of 6 ECTS each, offering a total of 33 ECTS credits. Students may take all the subjects they deem appropriate, provided that the annual credit load does not exceed 60 ECTS. Some of the subjects will be taught in Spanish and some will be taught in English, so that both Spanish-speaking and English-speaking students will enjoy an offer appropriate to their training needs. However, students may take a mixed offer, depending on their educational interests, provided that they possess the necessary linguistic knowledge.

Module 5: Master’s Thesis (TFM). It has a 12 ECTS load and is compulsory. The objective of the master's thesis is to work on the integration of the theoretical and practical knowledge acquired throughout the master's degree in order to express them into a structured document that is publicly defended and guided to the evaluation of the competencies associated with the degree. The master’s thesis may be presented and defended in Spanish or English.

Part of the teaching is exclusively offered in Spanish, part is exclusively offered in English and other subjects are offered in both Spanish and English. The objective is that both Spanish-speaking and English-speaking students may receive a full training (60 ECTS) in both languages. Subjects offered in both English and Spanish are considered necessary for the training of all master's students, regardless of the language of instruction.

Structure of the Máster en Horticultura Mediterránea bajo Invernadero