Structure and distribution of credits


Distribution of the curriculum in ECTS credits by type of subject matters

Distribution of the curriculum in ECTS credits by type of subject matters
Course Basic Mandatory Optatives Curricular internships End of Studies Dissertation Total
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Structure of the Degree

This master's has a professional character and has 60 ECTS credits, and it is organised in 2 semesters. To obtain the master's degree, students must successfully pass 15 credits of compulsory subjects, 30 credits of elective subjects, 9 credits of internships and 6 of master’s thesis.

The 60 credits are grouped in 5 modules. The criterion used to group the different subjects into 5 homogeneous modules has been that of the subject matter dealt with in each subject.

  • The module 1 (International Management and Negotiation). Groups together matters related to the international organisation of the company.
  • The module 2 (Languages for International Business Administration). Comprises the language-specific subjects included in the master's degree. These subjects, all of 3 ECTS, are grouped around the three languages in which the master's degree is developed: English, French and German. The objective is that, regardless of the other subjects that students take, all develop at least minimum communicative skills in a second language other than English.
  • The module 3 (International Marketing). Groups the specific subjects of international marketing, including a compulsory subject of 3 credits and three elective subjects of 3 ECTS credits each.
  • The module 4 (Other Topics in International Management). Groups elective subjects that deal with the problem of the international management of the company from different perspectives: accounting, finance and international economy.
  • The module 5 (Professional Development). Includes internships, with a load of 9 ECTS, and the master’s thesis project, with 6 ECTS. Both subjects are compulsory.


In relation to the French and German languages, students must compulsorily choose between one of the two: French or German, and to take a minimum of 6 ECTS (2 subjects) in the chosen language to guarantee minimum skills, being able additionally and optionally to take one more subject until reaching a maximum of 9 ECTS.

  • Students who do not have knowledge of French and want to choose this second language will cover the 6 compulsory ECTS by taking the subjects “French Business I / Français de l’Entreprise I” and “French Business II / Français de l’entreprise II”. Likewise, those students who do not have German knowledge and want to take this second language, may cover the 6 compulsory ECTS by taking the subjects “Business German I / Wirtschaftsdeutsch I“ and “Business German II / Wirtschaftsdeutsch II”.
  • Students with knowledge of French corresponding to an A1 level will cover the 6 compulsory ECTS by completing the subjects “Business French II/ Français de l’entreprise II” and “The negotiation process in French business / Négocier en Français des Affaires”. Similarly, those students with German knowledge corresponding to an A1 level, should cover the 6 compulsory ECTS by taking the “German Business II / Wirtschaftsdeutsch II“ and “Customer Care / Kundenservice” subjects.
  • Students with French knowledge corresponding to an A2 level or higher will cover the 6 compulsory ECTS by completing the subjects: “The Negotiation Process in Business French / negotiator in Français des Affaires” and “The Company Business: Production and Sale / Les affaires de l´entreprise: production et vente”. In addition, students with German knowledge corresponding to an A2 level or higher should cover the 6 compulsory ECTS by taking the subjects “Customer Care / Kundenservice” and “Management and Marketing / Management und Marketing”.
Structure of the Máster en Gestión Internacional de la Empresa e Idiomas