- Document to help you register.
ATTENTION: Remarks on languages.
To obtain this Bachelor's Degree, it is a prerequisite to have completed at least 24 ECTS in the chosen language (comprising the subjects MODERN LANGUAGE and ADVANCED MODERN LANGUAGE), other than Spanish, from among the languages offered in the degree (German or French) or any other language that the Faculty of Humanities may programme for this study within the Centre's language offer.
See the 'Curriculum' section for more information.
The Bachelor's Degree in English Studies programme trains professionals specialized in their field of knowledge, with a solid background in English language and literature, in all its scientific facets, as well as in researching its origins and studying its tradition, endurance and influence up until today.

Suggested profile for newly enrolled students
The Bachelor's Degree in English Studies is not linked to any profession that has official regulation, from which the entry profile, both academic and personal, is open to all kinds of students from the different Upper Secondary Education branches, not just the Humanities.
In order to properly study the Bachelor's Degree in English Studies, it is advisable to have a certain applicant profile, which should have the following characteristics:
- Interest in the study of literary subjects, in particular those related to: The English language, English literature, linguistics, the history and culture of English-speaking countries, literary theory and classical languages.
- Interest in and a taste for reading as a means of personal and professional enrichment.
- Striving to overcome communication barriers by accepting errors as part of the communicative process: listening, speaking, reading and writing being basic tasks to which one should be accustomed.
- Willingness to accept the uncertainty of learning a language, using all available resources to maintain communication.
- A positive attitude to independent study, self-discipline and self-assessment through the adoption of an active and participatory role in the learning process. A willingness to work in a group and to critically exchange ideas is also required.
General data
Branch of knowledge:
Duration of the program:
{{pre.presentacion[0].n_creditos}} Credits / {{pre.presentacion[0].n_duracion}} years
Type of education
Language(s) used
Field of Knowledge:
Fields of study -ISCED:
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