Adaptation of the Curriculum


The following table shows the adaptation of the existing studies of {{oldplan.nom_plan}}  to the new Curriculum of {{nom.dsplan}}

Adaptation table {{oldplan.nom_plan}}
Subjects of {{oldplan.nom_plan}} Subjects of {{nom.dsplan}}

{{ori | ltrim: '\\d+\-'}}

{{des | ltrim: '\\d+\-'}}

Adaptation Procedure

Students of the new version of the bachelor's degree may opt for:

1. Complete the studies of the current version which will be progressively discontinued, according to the regulations established by the University of Almeria.

Agreement of the Governing Council of 23 November 2012 approving the Rules for the Discontinuance of the Official Degree Education of the University of Almeria.

2. Transfer to the new version of the curriculum. To this end, a precise table of transfer will be established.


Implementation timetable

Given that the current bachelor's degree fully coincides with the first year that has been discontinued, the first and second year will be implemented simultaneously to make transfer easier.

YEAR 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
2021-22 It is taken It is taken    
2022-23 It is taken It is taken It is taken  
2023-24 It is taken It is taken It is taken It is taken