Structure and distribution of credits


Distribution of the curriculum in ECTS credits by type of subject matters

Distribution of the curriculum in ECTS credits by type of subject matters
Course Basic Mandatory Optatives Curricular internships End of Studies Dissertation Total
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Structure of the Degree

The Curriculum of the Bachelor's Degree in Labour Relations and Human Resources is organised in 14 Modules, all of them are compulsory, except for module 11. These modules refer mainly to basic training (60 ECTS), legal (48 ECTS) and management of human resources (24 ECTS). The rest of modules deal with subjects of complementary sociological training, psychological, economic and business and also of social-labour politics (90 ECTS). An internships module (6 ECTS) must be done and carry out a Bachelor's Dissertation (6 ECTS).

The Curriculum is organised in 14 modules, all of them are compulsory, except for module 12.

Module 1, called Basic Credit Module is composed of the compulsory 60 Basic Training ECTS credits distributed in the following subjects: Basic legal elements for labour relations (18 ECTS), History and Theory of Labour Relations (12 ECTS) and, with 6 ECTS credits each one, Economy, Business Administration, Sociology and Social Research Techniques, Statistics and Psychology of Work and of Organisations.

Module 2, Regulatory Framework of Labour Relations and Social Security, it has 48 ECTS credits, distributed in six subjects: Labour Law and Social Security Law (12 ECTS each one) and four 6 ECTS subjects: Trade Union Rights, Labour Procedural Law, Labour Punitive Law and Extrajudicial Resolution of Labour Disputes.

Module 3, with 24 ECTS, has two subjects. Organisation of Work (6 ECTS) and Human Resources Management (18 ECTS).

The following four modules has only one 6 ECTS subject: Module 4. Sociology of Work and Organisations, Module 5. Conflict Management, Module 6. Economics of Work and Module 7. Labour Relations Systems.

Module 8. Socio-Labour Policies and Module 9. Occupational Health and Prevention of Labour Risks, has one 12 ECTS subject respectively.

Module 10. Economics and Business is composed of 36 ECTS, distributed in two linked subjects: Economics and Business I (24 ECTS) and Economics and Business II (12 ECTS).

Module 11. Psychology of Work and Organisations has only a 6 ECTS subject called Psychosocial Factors of Human Behaviour in Organisations.

Module 12. Elective Module is composed of two 6 ECTS subjects, students must take one of these elective subjects (in 4th year) (Sociology of Work and Organisations II or Legal Systems for Foreign Workers).

Module 13. Internships will comprise 6 credits and may be taken for all the students who have successfully passed 50% of the bachelor's degree credits (120 ECTS), including those corresponding to all the basic training. In default thereof, or in case of impossibility, students will take the subject: Leadership and People and Team Management.

Module 14. Bachelor's Dissertation. Students will deal with the carrying out of their Bachelor's Dissertation which they may defend if they have successfully passed all the other subjects of the Bachelor's Degree.