Bachelor's Dissertation


Imagen TFE alternativaThe Bachelor's Dissertation (in Spanish Trabajo Fin de Grado; TFG) involves the student carrying out a project, report, or study, in which they apply and develop their acquired knowledge. This will be carried out individually, under the guidance of the supervisor(s) assigned. Joint work will not be allowed.

Bachelor's dissertations must be carried out in the final stage of the curriculum and be oriented toward the assessment of competencies associated with the degree. The work will conclude with the dissertation defence, which will necessarily be public.

The conditions that need to be met to be assessed (regarding the obligation to have successfully passed the assessments provided for in the other curriculum subjects) must be reflected in the report of the corresponding degree and in the specific applicable regulations.

Bachelor's Dissertation Requirements

The Curriculum may include special conditions that need to be fulfilled in order to enrol in or defend the bachelor's dissertation.

See 'Curriculum > Prerequisites and Corequisites'.





Request for Topic/Tutor and presentation of preliminary projects November/January call: From 15 to 23 September 2022 (for students who will defend in January, the deadline for submission of the preliminary project is extended until 30 November).
Request for Topic and Tutor May/July calls: From 24 September to 4 November 2022.
Request for Topic and Tutor for students who expand enrolment: From February 1 to March 10, 2023.

-Bachelor's Dissertation Submission: From 17 to 28 October 2022.
-Bachelor's Dissertation Defence: From 7 to 18 November 2022.

Explanatory flowchart of the November Call

(Extension of the NOVEMBER 2022 EXTRAORDINARY Call, so it is mandatory to have requested the call for completion of studies):
-Bachelor's Dissertation Submission: From 16 to 27 January 2023.
-Bachelor's Dissertation Defence: From 6 to 24 February 2023.

-Presentation of preliminary draft: From 3 October 2022 to 19 April 2023.
-Bachelor's Dissertation Submission: From 22 May to 9 June 2023.
-Bachelor's Dissertation Defence: From 19 to 30 June 2023.

-Presentation of preliminary draft: From 20 April to 2 May 2023.
-Bachelor's Dissertation Submission: From 12 to 30 June 2023.
-Bachelor's Dissertation Defence: From 10 to 21 July 2023.

Bachelor's Dissertation Topics and Supervisors

Students preparing their Bachelor's Dissertation should apply online for a topic and a supervisor via the Dissertation Management (Gestión de los Trabajos Fin de Estudio) application, stating an order of preference.

This request must be submitted within the time period set by the Degree Committee, which can be found in the "Calendar" section. In addition to the request for a topic and a supervisor, each Teaching Committee may require other documents to be attached to the online application.

Topics and Supervisors of the Thesis

Request for Topic and Supervisor

The Request for Topic and Supervisor can be made at the link below. It can also be requested via the Virtual Campus, under the section “Academic Record” – “Dissertation (TFE)”:

Application for the Topic and Supervisor Procedure


The (topic/supervisor) allocations will be sent by email to the participants of the call. In addition, you can consult them on your Virtual Campus.

Dissertation Submission

The Dissertation can be submitted via the link below. It can also be submitted via the Virtual Campus, under the section “Academic Record” – “Dissertation (TFE)”:

Bachelor's Dissertation Submission Procedure

Assessment and Defence Panels

The Assessment and Defence Panels that must evaluate the submitted dissertations can be consulted via the link below. This information can also be consulted via the Virtual Campus, under the section “Academic Record” – “Dissertation (TFE)”:

Thesis Defence Panels

Bachelor's Dissertation Defence Procedure