Mathematics has been part of human knowledge since the beginning, the basic rudiments of which precede writing. Its development is intimately linked to human advancement and progress.
On the one hand, mathematics is a basic and fundamental science, needed for most other sciences (such as Physics, Astronomy and Economics) and for engineering, which require it in order to fully develop. Any technological advance is based on the proper use of mathematics. Currently, the interconnections with Economics, Biology, Medicine, Geology, Optics, etc., have increased exponentially, where mathematical modelling and the computation of efficient algorithms are leading to great scientific, technical and social advances. From the applied perspective, mathematics throughout history has been concerned with analysing and responding to the concerns and problems that arise in real everyday life.
On the other hand, it is a pure science where knowledge can be created from an axiom. This knowledge allows one to create structures and theories that give value to our understanding and that, in many cases, are applied in fields far from their theoretical origin.
The effectiveness of the Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics lies in the harmonious conjunction of the pure and applied sides, for which the possibility of a mention has been established in the bachelor's degree structure. Depending on the optional subjects taken, one of the following mentions may be obtained:
- Mathematical Engineering
- Fundamental Mathematics
- Mathematics and Finance
Choosing a mention or one's own elective design of the bachelor's degree will allow the students to orient their training according to their professional preferences.

Video presentation
Suggested profile for newly enrolled students
The ideal student's applicant profile for the Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics is someone who studied science at the upper secondary education level, who is interested in and likes mathematics, but also physics and computer science, as a way of solving both real-life and abstract problems.
A student wishing to study these subjects must have:
- A positive predisposition to mathematics in particular and to science and technology in general. For this, it is desirable to have certain skills acquired at the upper secondary education level in managing mathematical concepts.
- A critical spirit that leads one to discover new concepts and allows one to generate different approaches to a problem, observing different alternatives rather than using a single approach.
- To be well motivated when faced with challenges. Problem-solving is probably the most characteristic task of a mathematician and one that gives them added value in the labour market.
- Hard working. Discipline and planning are essential for acquiring the necessary competencies that a mathematics professional must have.
If we wish to summarize everything mentioned in one heading, we could say that the student who wants to study mathematics has to be eager to learn, diving deep into conceptual knowledge to extract the essence of mathematical knowledge.
General data
Branch of knowledge:
Duration of the program:
{{pre.presentacion[0].n_creditos}} Credits / {{pre.presentacion[0].n_duracion}} years
Type of education
Language(s) used
Field of Knowledge:
Fields of study -ISCED:
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