Structure and distribution of credits
Course | Basic | Mandatory | Optatives | Curricular internships | End of Studies Dissertation | Total |
{{curso}}º | {{c.credects}} | {{c.credects}} | {{c.credects}} | {{c.credects}} | {{c.credects}} | {{creditos | map: 'credects' | toArray | sum}} |
Total | {{ct.credects}} | {{ct.credects}} | {{ct.credects}} | {{ct.credects}} | {{ct.credects}} | {{cre.creditos_totales | map: 'credects' | toArray | sum}} |
The Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics by the University of Almeria is organised in eight semesters, each one has 30 ECTS and its structure is the following one.
The Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics is composed of 15 modules:
The subjects of the last module are compulsory subjects of the Curriculum of the bachelor's degree in Finance and Accountancy of the University of Almeria. They shall be financed by this bachelor's degree (the students of the bachelor's degree in Mathematics would take them together with the students of the bachelor's degree in Finance and Accountancy).
The two first subjects correspond with the second semester of the second year of the bachelor's degree in Finance and Accountancy. The third, to the first semester of the third year. The fourth, to the second semester of the third year. And the last, to the first semester of fourth year.
B) Mentions of the bachelor's degree.
Three mentions have been established in the bachelor's degree (THEY ARE NOT COMPULSORY: the bachelor's degree can be obtained without obtaining any mention), depending on the elective subjects that students take, these can orient the students in accordance with the professional trajectory they wish to follow once they finish their studies.
The three mentions that can be achieved in this bachelor's degree are:
1st) “Mathematical Engineering”. To achieve this mention, students must have successfully passed the following subjects or have recognised the credits corresponding to such subjects:
2nd) “Fundamental Mathematics”. To achieve this mention, students must have successfully passed the following subjects or have recognised the credits corresponding to such subjects:
3rd) “Mathematics and Finance”. To achieve this mention, students must have successfully passed the following subjects or have recognised the credits corresponding to five out of the seven following subjects:
It is not required to obtain the mention that the bachelor's dissertation has to be done about an specific subject of the mention, but it is recommended that students choose, among the work subjects offered, one that strengthens the mention chosen.
C) Time planning distribution of the subjects in the different bachelor's degree semesters. In the following chart, the time planning distribution of the subjects can be seen, and also the type of subject and the number of ECTS credits of each one. All the subjects are compulsory, except those that appear in red.
First year |
First semester |
Second semester |
Mathematical Analysis (BT12) |
Computer Programming (BT12) |
Basic Structures of Algebra (BT6) |
Introduction to Probability and Statistics (BT6) |
Elemental Geometry (BT6) |
Linear Algebra (BT6) |
Basic Elements of Mathematics (Comp6) |
Physics I (BT6) |
Second year |
Third semester |
Fourth semester |
Differential and Integral Calculus (Comp-A, 12) |
Differential Equations I (Comp-A, 6) |
Topology (Comp-A, 6) |
Numerical Methods I (Comp-A, 6) |
Discrete Mathematics (Comp-A, 6) |
Affine Geometry (Comp-A, 6) |
Physics II (BT, 6) |
Intelligent Systems (Comp-U, 6) |
Popular Mathematics (Elect, 6) |
Astronomy (Elect, 6) |
Mathematics of Financial Operations (Elect, 6) |
Third year |
Fifth semester |
Sixth semester |
Algebraic Equations (Comp-A, 6) |
Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces (Comp-A, 6) |
Probability (Comp-A, 6) |
Numerical Methods II (Comp-A, 6) |
Optimisation (Comp-A, 6) |
Differential Equations II (Comp-A, 6) |
Vectorial Analysis (Comp-A, 6) |
Statistics (Comp-A, 6) |
Complex Analysis (Comp-A, 6) |
Fractals and Chaos (Elect, 6) |
Applied Algebra in Information Theory (Elect, 6) |
Instruments and Financial Markets (Elect, 6) |
Fourth year |
Seventh semester |
Eighth semester |
Equations of Mathematical Physics (Comp-U, 6) |
Modelisation (Comp-A, 6) |
Functional Analysis (Comp-U, 6) |
Internships or, in its place, Mathematical Economics and Decision Making Techniques (PE, 6) |
Introduction to Algebraic Topology (Comp-A, 6) |
Bachelor's Dissertation (Comp-A, 12) |
Experimental Design and Regression Models (Elect, 6) |
Data Analysis (Elect, 6) |
Statistical Methods for Big Data (Elect, 6) |
Global Geometry of Surfaces (Elect, 6) |
Algebra and Number Theory (Elect, 6) |
Financial Insurance Products (Elect, 6) |
Numerical Simulation (Elect, 6) |
Advanced Financial Operations (Elect, 6) |
Investment and Financial Assets Portfolio Management (Elect, 6) |
Internships (eighth semester) is compulsory, and, if there are not enough vacancies to be carried out, students must take the “Mathematical Economics and Decision-Making Techniques" subject, that would be only be offered in that case.
Students of this degree may complete their elective academic load: