Adaptation of the Curriculum


The following table shows the adaptation of the existing studies of {{oldplan.nom_plan}}  to the new Curriculum of {{nom.dsplan}}

Adaptation table {{oldplan.nom_plan}}
Subjects of {{oldplan.nom_plan}} Subjects of {{nom.dsplan}}

{{ori | ltrim: '\\d+\-'}}

{{des | ltrim: '\\d+\-'}}

Adaptation Procedure

Students of the current version of the bachelor's degree, provided that their rights are not impaired, will be necessarily transfered to the new curriculum in order to achieve the corresponding mention. The UAL shall ensure the rights and guarantees throughout the transfer process. To the extent that the new version does not alter contents or competences and the changes mostly only affect the typologies of the subjeccts, for greater clarity, the automatic transfer table is established.

Implementation timetable

The Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics will replace the current one of the same name, and its implementation will be carried out in a single academic year.