We have agreements with institutions around the world

Acuerdos por todo el mundo

As part of the UAL internationalization policy, which aims to benefit the UAL community as a whole, our Service proactively manages and encourages the signing of cooperation agreements with institutions around the world.

How is a new agreement between UAL and another higher education institution put in place?

Any member of the university community or potential partner (such as other universities or research institutes) can propose the signing of an agreement in accordance with the instructions and models below.

The types of agreements we manage:

Specific mobility agreements (Erasmus+, etc.)
For exchanges involving students (undergraduate and graduate), teaching and research staff, and administrative and service staff.

Framework agreements
To make a declaration of intent for future academic cooperation.

Specific cooperation agreements
To be able to participate in calls for cooperation projects promoted by the Andalusian Agency for International Development Cooperation (AACID) or the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID).

Specific double-degree or joint-degree agreements
For joint undergraduate and graduate programmes.

The mobility agreements and associated programmes (Erasmus+, ANUIES-CURE, UALMundo, PIMA and SICUE) can be consulted through the following link:

Our mobility partners - in testing

Specific mobility agreements

UAL takes part in several mobility and exchange programmes for students, teaching and researcher staff, and administrative and service staff. These programmes may be subject to a common reference system (Erasmus+, ANUIES, PIMA and SICUE) or express the individual agreement of two universities (UALMundo).

In order to sign a mobility agreement, you must review the specific information on each programme included below and complete and send this supporting template to the International Relations Service at acuerdos@ual.es.

Only Mobility Agreements signed by the Rector or by expressly delegated persons, including the UAL Vice-Rector for Internationalization, shall be valid, pursuant to Resolution 29/10/2019 published in BOJA 214 of 06/11/2019.

Supporting template Agreement flowchart

is the EU's flagship programme in the field of education, training, youth and sport. Erasmus+ enables undergraduate, master's or doctoral courses to be taken in a university institution other than the one in which the student is enrolled. It also supports short mobility periods for teaching and research staff or for administrative and service staff. 
Erasmus+ Higher Education Mobility Agreements can be signed between programme countries (Key Action 131) or between programme countries and partners (Key Action 171). 

The programme countries include the European Union (EU) Member States, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, the Republic of Northern Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey. Partners can come from almost any country in the world.

To apply to sign an Erasmus+ KA131 agreement, simply fill in and send the supporting template on this page to acuerdos@ual.es.

To apply to sign an Erasmus+ KA171 agreement, an essential condition is that a project proposal is prepared in advance; this should be selected by the corresponding body, SEPIE, via competitive tendering. For more information, contact sripro@ual.es.

is UAL's own programme for the international mobility of undergraduate, master's or doctoral students. This programme enables study courses to be taken in a university institution other than the one in which the student is enrolled. To apply to sign a UALMundo agreement, simply fill in and send the supporting template to acuerdos@ual.es. For reference purposes, you can see the standard model used by the UAL below.

is an international mobility programme for undergraduate, master's or doctoral students promoted by the Conference of University Rectors (CRUE, Spain) and the National Association of Universities and Higher Education Institutions (ANUIES, Mexico). This programme enables study courses to be taken in a university institution other than the one in which the student is enrolled. To apply to sign an ANUIES- CRUE agreement, simply fill in and send the supporting template to acuerdos@ual.es.

is the Spanish acronym for the Academic Exchange and Mobility Programme, a mobility initiative for undergraduate students promoted by the Organization of Ibero-American States (OIS) with the support of the General Secretariat for Universities, Research and Technology of the Andalusian Regional Government. Those interested in participating in or promoting a PIMA network can write to acuerdos@ual.es.

is a national mobility programme for undergraduate students promoted by the Conference of University Rectors (CRUE, abbreviated in Spanish). This programme enables study courses to be taken in a Spanish university institution other than the one in which the student is enrolled. To apply to sign a SICUE agreement, simply complete and send the supporting template to acuerdos@ual.es. Agreements are required to be signed before the date indicated by the CRUE, which is usually the end of January. For example, if a new mobility agreement for the Degree in Biotechnology is to be established with the Universidad Pablo de Olavide for the 2022/23 academic year, it must be signed before the end of January 2022 (the specific date is determined by the CRUE each year). 

Spanish UALMundo Template Bilingual UALMundo Template (SP-ENG)

Specific cooperation agreements

Acuerdos específicos de cooperación

UAL takes part in programmes to execute cooperation projects, the grants for which are awarded on a competitive basis. In particular, UAL takes part in the calls of the Andalusian Agency for International Development Cooperation (AACID) and the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID) every year.

The Cooperation Section of the International Relations Service (jromero@ual.es) is responsible for managing and providing information on these programmes, although AACID or AECID may require a specific cooperation agreement to be signed; this is managed via acuerdos@ual.es.

Specific cooperation agreement

In order to sign such an agreement, the following draft of a specific cooperation agreement completed by the project promoter and the university or partner institution must be submitted, including a screenshot of the website or document in which the other party certifies the authority of the signatory.

Specific double-degree or joint-degree agreements

These specific agreements are the means for implementing international and inter-institutional studies, including double international degrees (with study itineraries designed to obtain two or more degrees, one from each participating university) or in joint international degrees (in which the curricula are provided jointly by two or more institutions in several countries to obtain a single degree, which is valid in several states).

Example of a double-degree agreement

This shall be managed by the Secretariat for the Promotion of Internationalization, Vice-Rectorate for Internationalization, (promint@ual.es) as a first step, and subsequently either by the Secretariat of Degrees, Vice-Rectorate of Academic Planning, (sgrados@ual.es) for degree studies or by the Secretariat of Masters, Vice-Rectorate for Postgraduate Studies, Employability and Relations with Companies and Institutions (smaster@ual.es) for master's degree studies. 

Framework Agreements

A framework agreement is an agreement on a set of guidelines for academic cooperation, with further details to be agreed upon in one or several specific agreements in the future.

UAL does not require a framework agreement to give effect to specific agreements, but it can sign them when required by another university or process, such as AACID cooperation projects. 

To sign such an agreement, the template below must be sent to acuerdos@ual.es. The proposal needs to be completed by the project promoter and the university or partner institution must be submitted, including a screenshot of the website or document in which the other party certifies the authority of the signatory. 

Spanish Agreement Template Spanish and English Agreement Template

Our networks

Connected to the world

UAL takes part in several consortia and networks as part of its internationalization policy.

The European Association for International Education. This is the European centre for expertise, networking and resources in the internationalisation of higher education. It is an organisation serving individuals actively involved in the internationalisation of their institutions through a combination of training, conferences and knowledge acquisition and sharing. It has approximately 2,500 members from 80 countries around the world, most of which are in Europe.  


The European University Association. This represents and supports more than 850 higher education institutions in 47 countries, and provides them with a forum for cooperation and information exchange on education and research policies. The members are European universities involved in education and research, national rectors’ associations and other organizations active in this field. 


The Association of International Educators (formerly the National Association of Foreign Student Advisers) is a non-profit organization of approximately 10,000 international education professionals engaged in promoting and managing student and academic exchange programmes at higher education institutions worldwide.


The European Association of Erasmus Coordinators. This European network was founded in 2004 and currently has more than 80 members. Its objectives are to promote the mobility of students and staff in higher education institutions, to facilitate training for Erasmus+ programme coordinators, to participate in and undertake European projects and to realize publications of interest for members, among others.  


Grupo Compostela
promotes collaboration and dialogue in all areas of higher education. It strongly believes that diversity and multiculturalism are key profile elements for 21st century universities. It is an intercontinental consortium that shares the values of cooperation and solidarity represented by the pilgrim route to Santiago de Compostela.  


The Ibero-American Postgraduate University Association. Its objective is the promotion and development of postgraduate and doctoral studies in Latin America. It is currently made up of more than 236 universities, research centres and institutes in Spain, Portugal, Latin America and the Caribbean. It offers scholarships for Spanish and Ibero-American students to carry out international postgraduate, doctoral and post-doctoral studies, among other things.


Fundación Carolina
was founded with the aim of fostering cultural relations and cooperation in educational and scientific matters between Spain and countries within the Ibero-American Community of Nations and other countries with special historical, cultural and geographical ties. It offers, inter alia, scholarships for Ibero-American students to follow postgraduate, doctoral and post-doctoral studies in Spain, as well as a mobility programme for teachers and for institutional studies. 

Grupo La Rábida
Formado por universidades iberoamericanas, tiene como objetivo prioritario contribuir, manteniendo los criterios de alta calidad académica, a la formación de docentes universitarios, científicos y profesionales en el nivel de postgrado y doctorado, atendiendo a las necesidades de desarrollo de cada país y sin abandonar los intereses de toda la Comunidad Iberoamericana de Naciones.

The Marine Science Campus of International Excellence. This is the only marine campus of excellence in Spain. It is recognised as a global leader in the field of teaching, research, innovation and marine-maritime transfer. The consortium is made up of the Spanish universities of Cadiz, Malaga, Granada, Huelva and Almeria, and the universities of Algarve (Portugal) and Abdelmalek Essaouadi (Morocco).

The Campus of International Agrifood Excellence. CeiA3 integrates the Universities of Almeria, Cadiz, Huelva and Jaén. It is coordinated by the University of Cordoba. These five institutions have a long and distinguished scientific history. They make all their knowledge regarding the agrifood sector available to society and the production infrastructure, with the aim of contributing to the sector’s development and responding to the challenges of the 21st century. 