UAL INTERNACIONAL: Voluntari-ODS para la Cooperación Global


  • Financial support up to Eur 3,000, for stays in International Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid projects in developing countries.

  • Covers for travel expenses, accomddation, meals, insurance and visa.

  • Aimed at students, teachers, and administrative staff of the University of Almería.​​​​​​​

  • Duration: from 21 days to 3 months, throughout the academic year, including the summer break. Stays must end before April 2026.

  • Recognition of academic credits.


  1. Find out about international cooperation volunteering opportunities offered by NGOs. If you don't know of any, do an internet search to see which programmes best suit your profile and interests: destinations, duration, requirements... Bear in mind that many organisations have their own selection process for candidates, mandatory training prior to the stay, or are looking for specific profiles for their cooperation and humanitarian aid projects.
  2. Once you have contacted and agreed with the organisation the dates and conditions of your stay, apply for the UAL grant. All the information about how to apply can be found in the call document. Please note that in order to be eligible for this grant, your volunteering proposal must meet the requirements set out in the call.


CALL terms & conditions


Submit your application: CAU




Another way to volunteer internationally is through the European Solidarity Corps (ESC). This is an EU-funded programme for young people aged between 18 and 30 who wish to volunteer in solidarity activities in various fields, both inside and outside the European Union.

What does the programme cover?

- Travel, accommodation and meals
- Medical insurance
- Language support and training
- Pocket money

How does it work?

You have to register on the ESC website. Once registered, you will have access to a personal space where you will find volunteering opportunities and you can choose the University of Almeria as your support organisation. Watch the video for more information.


Título de tu página

International Volunteering PLAN PROPIO DE COOPERACIÓN

Voluntariado Internacional

This programme aims to raise awareness among students through their participation in international volunteering projects and actions related to Development Cooperation. It aims to be a transformative platform, where volunteers not only offer their help, but also expand their horizons and build bridges of global solidarity.

Call for applications is now closed.



2024/25 Call

Public calls

Call rules

Extension application deadline

Application forms


Provisional acceptance model letter



ANEXO_IV_Certificado voluntariado



Admission lists

Provisional list

Award resolutions Definitive list
Reference materials

Ley 45_2015 de Voluntariado

V Plan Director Cooperación Española